Regular Parking Rates
Valet Promo Rates
Automobile Association Rates
Self Park Promo Rates
Current Promotions
Long and short term parking savings. Choose one that fits you best.

Promotion #2
Reserve online and save
$74.03 weekly when you reserve online and only $14.81 per each additional day!
Save 10% just by registering online!
Reserve Now
Promotion #3
Automobile Association Member Discounts
$69.91 weekly when you reserve online and only $13.98 per each additional day!
Show your card and save 15%
Reserve NowAutomobile Association Member Rewards
Show your card and save!

Member Rewards
Extended Stay Special
30 days of worry-free valet parking for only $178.49
Go ahead, extend your trip!
Reserve Now
Member Rewards
Members save every day
$69.91 weekly when you reserve online and only $13.98 per each additional day!
Show your card and save 15%
Reserve Now
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VIP Parker® Program Members save on parking rates at Park2Go
Join Today* Valet Rates: must reserve online.
* Automobile Association Valet Rates: must present valid membership card at time of payment.
* Above rates are exclusive of GST and access fee.
Parking Terms: Charges are based on the time your vehicle enters the parking facility and ends when you pick up your vehicle & exit the facility. 1 day = 24 hours; 1 week = 7 consecutive days. Additional hours are $4.00 per hour up to another day charge ongoing. Walk up rates are the same as regular rates. All discounts and Coupons are applied on the regular rate only. Online Rate, Promo rate, Automobile Association rate are all discounted rates and cannot be further discounted. Only one discount can be applied per stay. Rates are exclusive of GST and access fee. Park2Go doesn’t guarantee to have the vehicle’s block heater plugged in during winter.