Auto Detailing

Please note: Detailing requires a minimum park of 48 hours. 
Prices are exclusive of taxes and parking charges.

Please be aware that additional charges may apply for vehicles that are excessively dirty or require pet hair removal. Our team will contact you for approval before proceeding with any additional services.

Detail My Vehicle

Auto Services

  • Regular Oil Change starting at: $119
  • Synthetic Oil Change starting at: $149
  • Tire Rotation - Starting At: $90
  • Tire Repair - Starting At: $49
  • Mount and Balance Tires - Starting at $155
  • Seasonal Wheel Swap on Rims - Starting at $110
  • Wheel Alignment - Starting At: $160
  • Windshield Replacement - Starting At: $299
  • EV Charging: $19.99


Park2Go uses certified technicians to maintain your vehicle.
Please note: Services require a minimum park of 48 hours. 
Prices are exclusive of taxes and parking charges.

Service My Vehicle


At Park2Go Edmonton, we understand that your time is valuable, and we're dedicated to providing an exceptional airport parking experience. Our value-added services ensure you can focus on your travels while we take care of your vehicle, thanks to our comprehensive suite of auto care offerings.

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing exceptional service, ensuring your vehicle is in excellent condition when you return. Choose from our range of value-added services, such as oil changes, maintenance, and full-service auto detail solutions, to pamper your vehicle while you're away.

oil check

No hassle

Oil Changes

Never worry about your vehicle maintenance again, with our hassle-free oil change services designed to cater to your schedule.

Cleaning car


Vehicle Maintenance and Service

Keep your car in peak condition with our meticulous maintenance services, performed by skilled professionals.

Cleaning car

Full Service

Auto Detail Solutions

Return to a sparkling clean car with our top-of-the-line auto detailing services that rejuvenate your vehicle inside and out.

Interior cleaning

We have you covered

With our comprehensive suite of auto care offerings, you can focus on your travels while we take care of your vehicle. Our value-added services provide peace of mind, allowing you to fully enjoy your journey.